Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Blog Update: Entirely Unacceptable Excuse, Again

I know for the second post in a row, I am taking time out to mention that there will be no blog updates.  Unacceptable, I know. Shame on me  For the rest of the week, I will be prepping for my last Java project / taking my final (that's later today, so wish me luck if you can get over being upset at me).

Not completely a Santa Clause with only bad presents, I do have some good presents or in this case good news.

1)   Power Ranger-Kings: Lots has changed since the last PR that I put out. Some of you guys have gone from the weak green rangers sans the golden shoulder pads and transformed into the smooth-talkin' white ranger with the golden shoulder pads.  If you don't understand this reference, I'll explain it in an up-coming post along with a run-down of each of the teams in the league.

2) Wrap Up of the First Mini Game("League Pick'em) and Introduction to the Second League Mini Game: We have had about 6 week of pick'ems and I wanted to announce the overall winners and give out some prizes. I will touch base with commishner, Traveling Tim about scheduling a banquet where I can give those out or perhaps just a breakfast at Dennys.

Friday, December 7, 2012

League Update: Out for next couple days!

As mentioned earlier in the week, I will be out of town until next Saturday, so updates will be sparse like hair on Kamaan's dome.

In league news,

I got too excited about the Raptors Kings matchup slotted this past Wednesday so for the pick'em before that game, I wrote that the Grizzlies were playing the Celtics, to which most of the league selected Grizzlies (a great choice IMO).  However, the Grizzlies were not playing the Celtics, in fact not playing on Wednesday at all.  I must have meant the Timberwolves.  Free tacos and points to everyone, minus the tacos.

In NBA news,

A intriguing match-up tonight between perpetual western conference superpowers (movie-guy voice), "Lakers and Thunder".

A probably not so intriguing match-up between eastern conference superwienees, Bobcats and Bucks.

Enough for now as I got to double-check my bags.  Lorenzen Wright picture reference!

Flashback Fridays: Rasheed Wallace and Pistons Sing Jingle Bells

Thanks for coming out of retirement and all Rasheed, but please more Christmas Carols.

Thursday, December 6, 2012