Friday, October 18, 2013

Video: Bucks Do that Weird Starbucks Drake Hands Thing

11 days until the new season and couldn't find any better reason to revive this ole thing than something culturally relevant (kinda) and hilarious (for sure).

Friday, March 15, 2013

Video: A JR Smith Jam (the song type not the dunk kind)

It's been a while guys. I'm back to bringing you all the goodness that involves the NBA and our fantasy basketball league. I can't think of many better ways to return than with a JR Smith homage video sung in first-person.  Enjoy!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Video: In Case You Weren't Sick of the Harlem Shake, Here is a Raptors Version

Amir Johnson and the Raptors decided to do one of their own.  Also, John Lucas's abilities as a dancing mascot are supremely underrated.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Kyrie Irving Highlight Montage With Some Great Movie Soundbites

I bet even Serge Ibaka and Russell Westbrook were entertained at the choice of movie quotes dubbed over them being crossed over and scored upon.

Ok, maybe Russ did not absolutely love the Castaway bit they did, cause I thought they were going for a whole JohnnyDepp/Jack Sparrow theme to this montage?  Way to change it up on us guys.