Monday, October 29, 2012

Manu and Captain Jack are Zorro and the Joker

Not to be outdone by the young bucks in the NBA nowadays with their Halloween costumes dedicated to classic hip hop artists (Damian Lillard), or their childhood heroes (Ty Lawson), or even as Business Lebron (Andrew Bynum) and possibly Pharrell Williams (Dorrell Wright), league grandpas Manu Ginobli and Stephen Jackson really got in the spirit of the holidays with their costumes this year.

Check out Manu's pencil-stache and Jackson's impeccable makeup.

via project spurs

League Update: Laker Gang Trades With Challah

Huge trade this morning as Laker Gang traded Marc Gasol, Kevin Garnett, J.J. Redick to  Challah in exchange for Tony Parker, Carmelo Anthony and Zach Randolph.

Report: Eddy Curry is Probably Starting For the Mavericks On Tuesday

According to fan nation, Eddy Curry will be the starting center for the Mavericks at least for the opening day game against the Lakers.


Video: Another Reason to Watch the Clippers Bench This Season

Caron Butler, everybody. 

via TBJ