Friday, November 9, 2012

Flashback Friday: When Durant, Harden and Green Lip-Sung Trey Songz

The year was 2009.  Sophomores Kevin Durant and Jeff Green enlisted the help of a gregarious rookie by the name of James Harden after a morning/afternoon of practice.

Utilizing the increasingly popular micro-social media app twitter and add-on, twitvid, KD shared this improptu video that he, Green and Harden filmed.

The lighting? A bit foggy.  The video editing?  Elementary.  The performance? Phenomenal compared to official music videos made by other nba superstars.

In hindsight, you can also see the personality of each of these guys based on their performance.

Durant: Clearly the leader and initiator of the sing-a-long. His humbleness is clear in how he gives up the spotlight to Harden during the interlude. 


Harden: The charisma and talent is there, but you can tell that he would have shone just as bright had he been spotlighted more.


Green: A good back-up singer. A bit awkward with his choice of dance moves.


Westbrook: Not visible. Probably in the next room filming a song of his own.


  1. KD and Jeff Green were entering their third year tho.

  2. True-gotta fact check better. Good catch.

  3. Its good dude! Good find yo! I keep coming back to this blog. Put some ads up and rack up the coins!
